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Local 118

Trial Court

Assistant Chief Probation Officers,

First Assistant Chief Probation Officers,

Senior Community Corrections Probation Officers 

executive board

View the Local 292 Executive Board & their contact info.

contract information

View PDFs of contract info for Local 292.

salary charts

View PDFs of salary charts for Local 292.

Local 118 Posts & Updates

March 27, 2023
Action Required: GIC Annual Open Enrollment

The Group Insurance Commission (GIC) Open Enrollment period will begin on April 5, 2023, and end on May 3, 2023.

All plan changes must be submitted by May 3, 2023, with no exceptions.

Plan changes should be submitted through the GIC Employee Benefit Portal. Your portal is available 24/7 and includes several resources to aide you during this open enrollment period. Log into make benefit changes, view your current GIC benefits, and access the 2023-2024 Benefit Guide.


Log Into The Benefit Portal Here

Significant Changes for 2023-2024:

There are significant plan changes for the upcoming year and employees are encouraged to actively shop and evaluate health coverage options.


  • One of the significant changes to GIC’s offerings this year is due to the Tufts/Harvard merger including the elimination of one of GIC’s most popular plans (Tufts Navigator). Employees currently enrolled in the Tufts Navigator plan may select a new plan during annual enrollment, and if not, they will default into a comparable plan called Harvard Pilgrim Explorer.


  • Effective July 1, 2023, the new GIC prescription benefit provider will be CVS Caremark, replacing Express Scripts. If you are enrolled in medical coverage through the GIC, you will automatically receive prescription drug coverage through CVS Caremark. Employees who regularly utilize their prescription benefit are encouraged to contact CVS Caremark to determine if any steps should be taken to transfer active prescriptions.


  • Also, effective July 1, 2023, the new Flexible Spending Account administrator will be Total Administrative Service Corporation (TASC), replacing Benefit Strategies. Members who wish to enroll in an Flexible Spending Account plan option for the upcoming plan year (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024) should review the directions in the Benefit Guide provided by GIC.


Benefit Guide:

The 2023-2024 Benefit Guide has been published on the GIC website and provides information on upcoming plan changes, including but not limited to: available health insurance plans, coverage service areas, plan rates, prescription benefits, and flexible spending accounts.

We strongly encourageemployees to carefully review this benefit guide to better understand the changes and make informed decisions about coverage. Employees are encouraged to take the necessary steps to ensure plans meet their and/or family’s medical needs. You can do this by researching coverage plan information and contacting your current healthcare providers.


View The Benefit Guide Here

For More Information, employees should visit the GIC webpage for more information, as well as the GIC YouTube channel to view the recorded GIC information sessions as an additional resource.

View the GIC information Session FAQ here.



Jan. 18, 2023
Comp Time Pay Down

The Trial Court has informed the Union that the collectively bargained, semi-annual Comp Time pay down compensation should be reflected in pay checks dated February 3, 2023.



Jan. 11, 2023

Union Sends Trial Court Notice to Commence Bargaining


Earlier this week, NAGE sent a formal notice to the Trial Court to commence bargaining for a new contract. The current collective bargaining agreement expires June 30, 2023.

Local Executive Boards will be meeting to develop proposals over the next several weeks.

NAGE will keep you updated as the process evolves.



 Dec. 9, 2022

Local 118 Vacancy - SCCPO


Dear NAGE Local 118 SCCPOs,

There is a vacancy on the Local 118 Executive Board for a Senior Community Corrections Probations Officer. 

If you are interested in filling the position, please email Local President John O'Connor at 



Nov. 9, 2022
Bargaining Team Election Results

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Bargaining Team election. The results are below.

Local 118 elected 1 member to serve on the Bargaing Team.


  • Michael J. Candito


Congratulations Michael!



Aug. 10, 2022

Local 118 Selects New Local President


NAGE is proud to announce that the new President of Trial Court Local 118 is ACPO John O’Connor.

John can be reached at 508-897-5416 or via email at NAGE looks forward to working with John on behalf of the members of Local 118.

Congratulations President O'Connor!


May 26, 2026


NAGE has once again written to Court Administrator Bello, addressing the need reopen the economic portion of the most recent CBA. 

As Governor Baker has recently displayed concern for both supply chain issues and the rising cost of every day goods, we have implored Bello to join him in these statements and do right by the Trial Court employees and work towards a new compensation package. 

You can find the letter linked below. We will keep you updated as this matter unfolds.


Letter to Bello 5.26.22



Apr. 20, 2022

Members of Local 118,

It has been an honor to represent you over the past few years. I would like to thank you all for reaching out, asking questions, giving your input and showing your support during my tenure. Your participation makes our representation work! We have a great group of hard working ACPO’s and SCCPO’s!

I am writing to inform you that as of April 4,2022, I resigned from the position of President of NAGE Local 118. I have accepted the position of Chief Probation Officer of the Plymouth District Court. Any member who has a pending matter will be represented by the remaining members of the Executive Board or a NAGE representative.

Local 118 By-laws call for my position - Vice President of ACPO’s - to be filled first. As such, any interested ACPO should sent a letter of interest, along with any relevant qualifications to David Bernard, Director of Public Safety at NAGE to by May 6, 2022. 

Once my vacant position of Vice President of ACPO’s is filled, the full Executive Board will elect a new President of Local 118.

I wish you all much happiness and success.
In solidarity,




Mar. 29, 2022

Mile Reimbursement Increase MOU


Earlier today, NAGE and the Trial Court signed an MOU raising the mileage reimbursement for our eligible members from forty-five cents ($0.45) a mile to fifty-eight and a half cents ($0.585) per mile effective, April 3, 2022.

NAGE was at the forefront, once gas prices increased, urging the Trial Court to make this much needed change. We appreciated their action in this regard.


Mileage Reimbursement Increase MOU


New Agreement on Current Vaccine and Testing Policy


While the Trial Court continues to debate internally on the value of a mandatory vaccine policy, the parties have continued on-going dialogue regarding the current vaccine/testing policy.

The attached MOU provides important enhanced benefits for members, including comp time for booster shots and telework capabilities.

While the CDC has yet to define "fully vaccinated" as requiring a booster, we know an overwhelming number of our members have received the booster shot or plan on getting the booster. This MOU provides for four (4) hours of comp time for any member that has already received the booster, or four (4) hours of comp time for any member wishing to get the booster shot in the future.

Also, the agreement clarifies and clears the path for any fully vaccinated member who tests positive, or is a close contact to someone that tested positive, to be permitted to work remotely.

Any questions, feel free to contact your local president.

Trial Court MOU 1.19.2022


Enhanced Telework MOU for Probation 


Over the past several months, the Union and the Trial Court have been negotiating a telework policy for greater use for our Probation Officers. Attached is the recently executed agreement.

Any questions, please contact your Local President.

Wishing you a healthy and safe New Year!

Enhanced Telework MOU for Probation - December 2021


Jan. 2022

Trial Court Vaccine Mandate


As you are aware, the Trial Court Administration communicated to the Union last week that they intend to issue a vaccine mandate for all Trial Court employees. While the Union supports vaccination for the health and safety of our members, we do not support the unilateral implementation of a mandate. 

The Massachusetts State Police (SPAM) and MOCUFO (DOC) Unions have challenged this in a court of law, but without success. A copy of both these cases can be found HERE. NAGE is currently involved in on-going conversations with the Trial Court regarding this pending mandate, and we are committed to advocating on behalf of our members.

We will keep you updated as this matter progresses.


Union and Trial Court Agree on Enhanced Vacation MOU


Attached please see the MOU entered into between the Trial Court and NAGE which significantly enhances our members vacation accrual and carryover benefit.

Any questions or concerns feel free to contact your Local President.
Wishing you all a safe and healthy holiday!

MOU: Vacation Accrual and Carryover 




Effective January 1, 2020

Met-Life will replace Delta Dental of Massachusetts as the SEIU/NAGE Local 5000 Trial Court of Massachusetts Health and Welfare Fund’s Dental Carrier.
The Board of Trustees of NAGE/SEIU Local 5000 Trial Court of Massachusetts Health and Welfare Fund is pleased to announce an exciting change to the Dental Program.  Effective January 1, 2020, Trial Court members will be enrolled in MetLife Dental Plan.
Change from Delta Dental PPO Plus Premier to MetLife PDP Plus Network

  • The level of benefits will not change from the current level provided by Delta Dental of Massachusetts. MetLife will provide full coverage for Type I Preventive and Diagnostic services, 80% coverage for Type II Restorative services and 50% coverage for Type III Prosthodontics and Major Restorative services when those services are received from MetLife PDP Plus network provider.


  • As with the current Delta Dental PPO Plus Premier plan, if services are received from a dental provider that does not participate in the MetLife PDP Plus network, the percentage of coverage is lowered.  Full coverage remains for Type I Preventive and Diagnostic services.  MetLife will provide 65% coverage for Type II Restorative services and 40% coverage for Type III Prosthodontics and Major Restorative services.


  • Orthodontic benefits will remain at 50% of the submitted charges, up to a lifetime benefit maximum of $2,500.00.


  • To find out if your dentist is part of the MetLife PDP Plus Network refer to the Directory of Participating Providers available at or call 1-800-942-0854.


  •  If your provider is not currently listed on the MetLife PDP Plus network, ask them about joining.  They can visit the MetLife website at or call 1-866-737-6895.  Or you can contact the Fund Office with the name and location of your dental office.  MetLife is committed to recruiting non-participating providers into the MetLife PDP Plus network.


  • Dentist participating in the MetLife PDP Plus network have agreed to fees that are up to 35% less than what dentist normally charge.


  • When you need dental services, you will be able to select a dentist from one of the MetLife PDP Plus network providers.  You may also see a non-participating provider, though as noted above, your coverage will be lower.

A full information packet will be mailed, including new Met-Life Identification Cards and a Summary of Plan Benefits.


Any Questions - Contact the Fund Office at
1-800-641-0700 Or email



 A new Death Benefit will be added to the Plan of Benefits for the Trial Court of Massachusetts
The Board of Trustees of NAGE/SEIU Local 5000 Trial Court of Massachusetts Health and Welfare Fund is pleased to announce the implementation of a $2,000.00 Death Benefit.  This benefit will be retroactive as of September 1, 2016. 

The death benefit is available for each eligible employee, spouse and dependent child.
Who Is Eligible?
A Death Benefit will only be paid for members or dependents who are eligible for Trust Fund benefits at the time of death.
Filing A Claim
A completed Death Benefit Claim Form must be submitted to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts/NAGE Fund Office with a copy of the death certificate.  If a copy of the Death Certificate is not included, the claim will not be processed.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the NAGE Health and Welfare Office.  They can be reached by phone at 1-800-641-0700 or via email at

The Board of Trustees continually strives to improve the Plan of Benefits for Trial Court members.  We are proud to take this step forward, as we did last year with the implementation of the Dependent Care Benefit.  


Pencils Being Used On Interview Guide Scoring Sheets

It has come to our attention that the use of pencils by panelists on the interview guide scoring sheets during the interview process has continued to randomly occur.   We have brought that concern to the attention of Human Resources.  They have indicated in response that a directive will be going out to all interviewer panelists that they are required to use pen during the interviews when filling out the guides.   Please be aware of this requirement and if you are on an interview and observe the use of anything other than a pen, please alert the interviewer of the requirement and also contact the Union to report the protocol lapse.

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